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About Us

Meet The Team Behind Ecovillages

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Patrick Hiebert


Patrick Hiebert is one of the founders and the CEO of EcoVillages and Vida Verde Agroforestry.    

Patrick is a Canadian, now living in Latin America, who has been creating communities for several decades.  After founding several high tech software companies and selling them, Patrick and his son Spencer, lived on a boat and sailed the ocean.  It was here that they honed their craft of sustainable living, generating their own power and fresh water, and focusing on freedom and sustainability.  

Always breaking new ground in freedom, eco-sensible and sustainable community design and Agroforestry areas, Patrick uses his deep understanding of technology to not only guide the design and development of highly desirable homes and intentional communities but also to find ways to provide freedom oriented lives for his clients.

EcoVillages is creating “Veritas Village” communities throughout Latin America.  They are communities based on the “F.I.R.S.T.” philosophy (Freedom, Independence, Resilience, Sustainability and Transparency) and incorporating these philosophical pillars into every aspect of living.

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Spencer Hiebert


Spencer Hiebert is a Partner and Co-Founder of EcoVillages.Life, a tiny/eco home and sustainable community design and marketing company.

After growing up sailing with his father and even living on boats together, Spencer developed a passion for sailing, and the sustainable lifestyles that come with it. Spencer would go on to living on a 30’ sailboat while working in the Marine Industry in Canada, and between that and assisting his father on his off grid projects in Nicaragua, Spencer gained a lot of hands on experience working with off grid systems. The combination of this experience and actually living the lifestyle created a very effective knowledge base for what was to come.

In 2019 when the COVID pandemic hit, Spencer found himself in Belize while the initial lockdowns were happening. Having the extra time while in lockdown the idea was born to create a full community of off-grid tiny homes. The team was put together and work started on designing the community that would eventually be known as the EVA community (Eco-Village Asuchillo). Asuchillo being the world class surf beach that resides in front of the EVA community.

Since that time, Spencer and the EcoVillages team have designed many eco-communities with homes that support a large variety of lifestyles. From true off-grid eco, tiny homes, to full sized homes and condos that still put an emphasis on eco-friendly and green living, these homes are not only designed to be good for the planet, but will save you money as well.

Management Team

Andrea Martinez


Andrea Martinez-1

Andrea, a native of Ecuador and fluent in Spanish and English, is a Pediatrician who is also a Community and Home Specialist because of her love for our communities. Andrea’s understanding of what people are looking for makes her the perfect person to help new residents find their comfort zone.

Herman Gallegos


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Herman, a Nicaraguan, has 15+ years of experience in residential and commercial design as well as in designing hospitality and cultural spaces. Herman has worked with the company founders for many years, understands the market and leads our team of architects.

Mikkel Thorup


Mikkel Thorup is the world’s most sought-after expat consultant. He focuses on helping high-net-worth private clients to legally mitigate tax liabilities, obtain a second residency and citizenship, and assemble a portfolio of foreign investments, including international real estate, timber plantations, agricultural land and other hard-money tangible assets.

A world traveller since his teens, Mikkel Thorup has learned his craft in three unique and unconventional ways; first, by living it himself, continuously pushing the boundaries and testing new ideas around the globe; next, from diligent and intense study consuming over 2000 books and courses on the subject; and finally, by apprenticing and learning directly from the world's top legal experts in his field. Mikkel has dedicated himself for over two decades to building this mountain of knowledge, one that is not constrained by languages, cultures, or borders. He now works one-on-one with private clients utilizing this combination of hard-won experience and in-depth knowledge and has helped hundreds of people to secure their new lives abroad.


Mikkel About Us Veritas

What kind of community are we creating:

The Community Philosophy

F.I.R.S.T certified community and what does that really mean?

Freedom • Independence • Resiliency
• Sustainability • Transparency

But also, Enjoyment!

Community centers with various activities, including amphitheaters for live music and shows, markets, shops and workshops with local experts so you can learn things and enjoy life.


Location is the most important decision and is why we were not quick to jump on the first land options we found.

The Basics

Food, water, and energy independent community.

Why are we creating it and who is it for

Why create Veritas Village?

  • A place for Freedom-oriented people to live amongst like-minded individuals.
  • Get away from political divisiveness
  • Remain anonymous in today’s ever increasing authoritarian governments and social credit score concepts.
  • Create an environment to live without reliance on government or corporations.

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A place to grow our own food
Sustainability and independence while living in harmony with the local people.

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Bitcoin as currency

A place where all transactions can be done in Bitcoin for financial independence.

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HOA decisions via a DAO

Using a Decentralized Autonomous Organization to vote for all decisions regarding the community. Full transparency and fairness. No HOA Board or President!

Let Us Help You Make The Move






Please reach out to us if you are interested or have any questions about this
upcoming community in the highlands of Panama!