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The Role Of Bitcoin At Veritas Village

The Role Of Bitcoin At Veritas Village

Veritas Village is an off-grid residential area for a very specific type of people: those who cherish financial freedom and independence, sustainability, and self-sufficiency. Here, breaking free from rigid legacy financial institutions is a reality, and economic autonomy is both a principle and practice. How does Veritas achieve this? With one of the most disruptive inventions of the 21st century is Bitcoin.

While prices are in USD (the official currency of Panama, where Veritas is located), Bitcoin is accepted and even used as the primary currency for all transactions. Freedom and self-reliance are no longer mere abstractions but tangible realities coming alive through the forward-thinking approach and cutting-edge technology Bitcoin offers. 

While other countries and jurisdictions are victims of the whims of central banks and governments, Veritas is a bastion of freedom with none of those problems. Living here will allow you to benefit from a decentralized and transparent financial system.

In Veritas Village, a truly liberated way of life where people can control their wealth and financial future is possible. 


The bronze statue of Satoshi Nakamoto in Budapest honours the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, with a mirrored face symbolizing that "we are all Satoshi," reflecting the decentralization and community behind cryptocurrencies

The bronze statue of Satoshi Nakamoto in Budapest honours the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, with a mirrored face symbolizing that "we are all Satoshi," reflecting the decentralization and community behind cryptocurrencies


Bitcoin is a digital currency (also known as cryptocurrency) created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Nobody really knows whether Nakamoto was one or multiple people who came up with this revolutionary idea, but they have definitely changed the world of finance. 

Contrary to traditional currencies issued and regulated by central banks and governments, Bitcoin emerged as a peer-to-peer alternative that didn’t require any financial institutions in between. Instead, it operates on a decentralized network called ‘blockchain,’ a public ledger that records transactions and is maintained by computers (nodes) spread across the world. This implied a major breakthrough, as Bitcoin made a truly global and open financial system a reality outside the control of banks and governments.  

Another key feature of Bitcoin is its limited supply, which makes it stand out from traditional fiat currencies again. While fiat currencies can be printed limitlessly, eroding the value of money, only 21 million Bitcoins will ever be issued. Because of its limited supply, Bitcoin naturally becomes a deflationary asset, meaning its price will likely increase over time as demand grows, especially as more fiat money is "created" out of thin air—particularly in contrast with currencies like the US dollar and all other state-backed currencies. Also, Bitcoin can be divided into up to eight decimal places called ‘Satoshis,’ allowing for transactions of any size, whether large investments or everyday expenses. 

Bitcoin transactions are conducted between users without needing intermediaries like banks. These transactions are secured by cryptography and verified by a network of nodes through a process called ‘mining.’ Mining not only validates transactions but also introduces new blocks every 10 minutes, rewarding miners with new Bitcoins—a reward that is halved approximately every four years in an event known as ‘Halving.’ 

The transparency and security of Bitcoin transactions are among its greatest advantages. Each transaction is recorded on the blockchain, making it nearly impossible to alter or counterfeit. This makes Bitcoin not only a robust store of value but also a revolutionary form of money where a trusted third party is no longer needed, empowering individuals with unprecedented freedom, autonomy, and financial control.



For the residents of Veritas Village, adopting Bitcoin as the primary currency is aligned deeply with the community's core values of independence and self-reliance. By using Bitcoin, residents gain full control over their finances, free from the constraints and uncertainties of traditional banking systems. This financial independence allows them to safeguard their wealth against inflation and economic instability, ensuring their assets retain value over time.

Moreover, Bitcoin's global accessibility enables Veritas Village residents to engage in international transactions seamlessly, supporting the community's emphasis on freedom of movement and global connectivity.


The Liquid Network is a Bitcoin sidechain that enables faster, more private transactions while maintaining the security of the main network

The Liquid Network is a Bitcoin sidechain that enables faster, more private transactions while maintaining the security of the main network


  • Financial Independence: By using Bitcoin, you’ll be able to manage your financial transactions without relying on traditional banking systems. This independence is especially valuable today, where financial institutions are increasingly intertwined with government policies and regulations. Bitcoin provides you with privacy and control, aligning perfectly with Veritas’ philosophy of freedom.

  • Security and Transparency: Bitcoin transactions are secured by blockchain technology, making all transactions recorded and unaltered. This provides a level of transparency and security unmatched by traditional financial systems. At Veritas, all transactions, from purchasing property to paying for goods and services, are secure, transparent, and immune to the risks associated with centralized financial institutions.

  • Low Transaction Costs: By utilizing second-layer solutions such as the Liquid Network or Lightning Network, you benefit from sending fractions of bitcoin (satoshis) with low fees, taking only a few seconds compared to traditional banking methods. At Veritas Village, this translates into a more affordable cost of living; you can avoid the high fees typically associated with international transactions, currency exchanges, and traditional bank transfers. This cost efficiency makes Bitcoin an ideal currency for a community that values financial sustainability.

  • Global Accessibility: Bitcoin is a global currency that can be used seamlessly across borders without the need for currency exchange. This feature is particularly advantageous for the international residents of Veritas Village, as it simplifies transactions and allows for greater financial fluidity, regardless of where they are in the world.

  • Inflation Resistance: Unlike traditional fiat currencies, which are prone to inflation, Bitcoin has a capped supply, making it a deflationary asset. This means that the value of Bitcoin is more likely to appreciate over time, providing residents with a stable store of value that can protect their wealth from the erosive effects of inflation.



For those new to Bitcoin, living in a community that uses cryptocurrency as its primary currency might seem daunting. However, Veritas Village is designed to make this transition as smooth as possible. The community provides resources and support to help residents understand and use Bitcoin effectively, ensuring that everyone can participate fully in the village's financial life.

Residents can use Bitcoin to purchase their homes, pay for community services, and even trade with local vendors. Additionally, Veritas is working on integrating Bitcoin payment systems into every aspect of the community, from the local market to online services, making it easy to live a fully Bitcoin-based lifestyle.


Veritas Village offers a forward-thinking, self-sufficient community model that embraces Bitcoin and alternative financial systems, promoting sustainability, transparency, and financial freedom for its residents

Veritas Village offers a forward-thinking, self-sufficient community model that embraces Bitcoin and alternative financial systems, promoting sustainability, transparency, and financial freedom for its residents


More people around the world are looking for alternatives to traditional financial systems. Veritas Village is a trendsetter of this paradigm, offering a model for how communities can evolve over time using currencies like Bitcoin. Living in Veritas is synonymous with sustainability, self-sufficiency, transparency and freedom. 

In Veritas, residents can live according to their values and free from the limitations of legacy financial systems. All in all, Veritas is a place where you can live on your own terms, financially free and in control of your future.


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