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Water Systems At Veritas Village: Ensuring Independence And Resilience

Water Systems At Veritas Village: Ensuring Independence And Resilience

Did you know that more than half of a human’s body is water? That’s why hydration is non-negotiable for just staying alive! Chances are you are used to having tap water at home, just a few steps away. Nothing is more convenient than that. However, this water supply may not be as resilient, as it could be cut out at any given time without previous notice.  

That’s why, when considering an off-grid lifestyle, having a reliable water supply may be one of your biggest concerns (and rightfully so). After living in a comfortable home with its own water supply, as well as other amenities we normally tend to take for granted, you might be worried about not being able to cover all these basic necessities. 

Luckily, at Veritas Village, we’ve got you covered. In this article, you’ll discover the system that ensures all residents here have access to clean, potable water.



Just like you, we acknowledge that water is an essential part of our lives—in particular, of a sustainable lifestyle. Think of any day-to-day activities, such as doing the laundry and cooking. Could you imagine doing them without water? Now, if you want to live off-grid fully, water takes on even more importance: growing food, raising livestock, gardening, you name it.

Water is key, and at Veritas, we have come up with a water system that makes sure residents like you can enjoy abundant, high-quality water throughout the year. Ours is not a conventional gated community relying on external infrastructure but one that pioneers a self-sustaining, truly off-grid lifestyle that not many can offer. 


Lake in Veritas Village

Lake in Veritas Village


Veritas is fed by a year-round stream and several deep mountain springs, providing a large water supply. The quality of this water is so high that initial tests suggested it was pure enough to bottle! Our community has taken steps to protect and manage these resources responsibly and create an off-grid lifestyle that can be maintained long-term.  

The stream running through the property is used for irrigation, helping the community’s gardens and orchards remain lush and productive even during the dry season. This stream is also harnessed to create hydroponic systems used for vertical farming. 



Now, you might be wondering about water storage and recycling. Countries invest in water treatment plants to increase efficiency. Is there something like that in Veritas? The answer is “Yes, absolutely.”

We have invested in advanced water storage and recycling systems to complement natural water sources. To put it into perspective, while the local health department recommends that you have an 18,000-gallon tank, we are constructing a 30,000-gallon one. This extra storage will be there to effectively face unforeseen challenges like droughts and increased demand. 

That’s essentially it on the community level, but there are also specific mechanisms for water management in every separate house. Each home has two separate plumbing systems: one for black water (sewage) and one for greywater (sinks, showers and laundry). Here’s how they work:

The black water is treated in a biodigester, a multi-stage process that breaks down waste into reusable water, which can be safely used for irrigation or other non-potable purposes. The greywater is similarly treated and stored for reuse, providing a second life for water that would otherwise go to waste. 

This approach not only conserves water but also provides natural fertilization for the community’s gardens, enriching the soil with nutrients.


Tree with fruits in Veritas

A reliable water supply supports the community orchards and gardens


One of Veritas's standout features is water usage to optimize its agricultural efforts. The community orchards, gardens, and hydroponic systems are all designed to work harmoniously with the available water resources. The hydroponic gardens, in particular, are a marvel of efficiency, using the nutrient-rich water from the stream to grow crops five to ten times faster than traditional soil-based farming.

The community orchards and gardens, supported by the reliable water supply, provide various fruits, vegetables, and herbs, all grown healthy. This enhances the community's self-sufficiency while using the natural resources. Residents can grow their own food, reaching a degree of independence other communities can’t offer.  




Veritas is a clear example of how a properly managed water system can create a resilient community. By leveraging natural resources, advanced storage and recycling systems, and cost-effective agriculture, residents can benefit from a high quality of life.

While some other countries face droughts and overall scarcity of resources, Veritas stands out as a model for off-grid living. If you seek a luxurious off-grid lifestyle where water is abundant and properly managed, look no further; Veritas is the place to be. 


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