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Why And How To Live Off The Grid In Luxury!

Why And How To Live Off The Grid In Luxury!

In today’s politically divided world, with Western governments becoming increasingly authoritarian, a lot of people are thinking…”How can I get away from all the craziness of today’s world?!”  You might even be one of those people; I know I am!  But at the same time, I don’t want to live in the jungle in a yurt to escape society!  I like my luxuries of flatscreen TVs, having my AC blasting cool air, multiple fridges and a wine cooler and all the things that we have come to love about living “on the grid.”  

Well, the beauty is that today, you can live off-grid, not be dependent on any government, live among like-minded freedom-loving friends and neighbours, get away from the nonsense of today’s woke world and keep all your modern-day luxuries!  In fact, those are some of the reasons why we are creating Veritas Villages around Latin America.


Exploring the lots at Veritas Village

Exploring the lots at Veritas Village


If you’re not convinced that living independent of government overreach is worth it, consider the world today:

  • There is a First-world (Western World) shift towards socialism, and history shows this never ends well!  In fact, much like the Greeks, Romans, and British, we are unfortunately witnessing the fall of another empire;

  • Increasing Censorship/Cancel Culture and lack of freedom of speech.  If you post anything like the word Freedom on social media or God forbid you “did your own research” during COVID, you’ve probably experienced censorship and the oh-so-pervasive cancel culture.  And freedom of speech is being fundamentally removed from our world under the guise of it being “hate speech”;

  • What’s the next “event”? It might not be authoritarian control through mandates for masks, vaccines, and locking you in your home.  But I’m sure we all agree that there’s going to be a next thing between the WHO and WEF;

  • Government control of food sources = empty store shelves;

  • Rampant crime - defunding the police was a bad idea from day one, but it did cause the chaos required to make people want help from the government. So, the desired effect was achieved;

  • And probably the most insidious sign of evil authoritarianism, and the best reason to get away from it, is the indoctrinating of children with Woke Ideology in schools and universities. 

But if you live in an off-grid community that is 100% self-sufficient, you are in control of your own:

  • Freedom;

  • Security;

  • Food, Water and Shelter;

  • Your family’s education.

If you’re not convinced, today's First World Governments are creating a system of dependence to maintain power.  Consider these recent actions by many governments:

  • Mass hirings into government positions.  Most new jobs are government jobs these days.  And who does that make people dependent on for their livelihood?

  •  Dramatically increased tax rates to keep you reliant on the government to provide needed services back in exchange for all those tax dollars;

  •  Exit taxes from state or country (don't you dare leave!);

  • The obsession with climate change is to take more of your money and make you fearful into believing that the only saviour for this problem is the government. The carbon credit hoax in many countries is taking more and more of your money in so many different ways.  But don’t get me started on this topic!  The world actually needs more carbon dioxide, and we are at a nearly all-time low in global temperatures and amount of carbon dioxide.  The world was actually in better shape when it was warmer and had more CO2…but I digress!

Did you know that 52% of U.S. households are now dependent on government handouts? It was less than 29% in the 1980s. That is a glaring statistic of things going in the wrong direction…intentionally. FYl: For two decades, I’ve been watching Latin American countries drop socialism like a hot potato while Europe, North America, and Australia are adopting it!  


After water, the priority is to have your own food source. The communities have community orchards and gardens, vertical/hydroponic gardens, tilapia ponds, chicken coops, and livestock, ensuring food self-sufficiency even in times of crisis

After water, the priority is to have your own food source. The communities have community orchards and gardens, vertical/hydroponic gardens, tilapia ponds, chicken coops, and livestock, ensuring food self-sufficiency even in times of crisis


So, as you can see, there are many signs that the world is going in the wrong direction.  But I prefer to be a problem solver rather than a complainer.  So that’s why we created Veritas Villages.  

Veritas Villages are freedom-oriented, self-sustainable communities in Latin America, where the culture is centred around family and a live-and-live philosophy.  As you can imagine, these communities attract like-minded people who see the world shift I described above and enjoy being able to speak their minds without being afraid of what others will think.  

But how is it possible to have a completely off-grid community that sustains a luxury home and lifestyle?  Well, the communities have their own deep, mountain spring-fed water wells with the water pumped by solar-powered pumps.  Therefore, there is no connection to and reliance on government-run water or power systems.  If you want people to be at your mercy, turn off their water and power, and within hours, they are yours.  But in our communities, the entire town is solar and wind-powered and not connected to the grid at all!  Honestly, that only became possible in the last few years when solar panels, inverters and battery technology leaped dramatically.  Our homes in Veritas Villages produce much more power than they need without any sacrifices, and you wouldn’t even notice they were powered by the sun; well, except your power bill is $0!

And after water, the next most important thing is to have your own food source.  The communities have community orchards and gardens, vertical/hydroponic gardens that produce an enormous amount of food in a very efficient space, tilapia ponds, chicken coops, and livestock.  So, of course, we’re near grocery stores where you can shop if you want to, but if $!&@ hits the fan again, you don’t need to!  In addition to the fun amenities, we also have a school (minus the woke education!) and a medical clinic.



Once you have the water, food, shelter, and education covered, you really just need to make sure you have fun amenities and things to do. Of course, we include a lot of that
in Veritas Villages. With things like a woodworking shop, music studio, tennis and pickleball courts, hiking trails, an amphitheatre, and so much more, you could just close the gates to the community and enjoy life with your like-minded friends while the world outside has its next “plan”!

Living an off-grid, luxurious life of freedom and community sustainability is possible today.  Imagine the peace of mind that you would have living without the worry of what the world will do next, not to mention being able to talk to your neighbors about any topic without fear.  If you are considering living in off-grid luxury, contact us via e-mail.


(BLOG BANNER REPLAY) Economic plan B

Veritas Panama is a luxury development designed for freedom-oriented individuals seeking a safe, prosperous future without sacrificing modern amenities. This off-grid community offers peace, independence, and a like-minded network of professionals who value preparation and self-reliance. Whether you’re looking for a primary residence, seasonal retreat, or Plan-B escape, Veritas has options to suit your lifestyle



Patrick Hiebert

Written by Patrick Hiebert


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